Mercury Emissions Hit the ‘Net’

The U-S Environmental Protection Agency will soon require some coal-burning power plants to report how much mercury their smokestacks are emitting. The Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s Lester Graham reports that the E-P-A will post the information on the Internet:

Feds Test for Endocrine Disrupters

The U-S Environmental Protection Agency is working to identify whether certain chemicals disrupt human reproductive and neurological systems. The Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s Lester Graham reports that the process will take years, and for now, scientists recommend avoiding suspect chemicals found in some foods:

Study Seeks to Reduce Car/Deer Collisions

It’s that time of year again. Car/Deer collisions are at their highest in the months of October, November, and December. It’s a dangerous and expensive problem. Insurance companies paid out more than one hundred million dollars last year in Michigan alone because of car/deer crashes. Now a new study is looking at ways the collisions can be reduced. The Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s Wendy Nelson reports:

Sea Lamprey Soufflé?

A recent discovery has put the brakes on a plan to market Great Lakes sea lamprey to Europeans as a gourmet food. Scientists have found high levels of mercury in the lamprey, making it unfit to eat. The Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s Mike Simonson has the story:

Tis’ the Season to Conserve

A report released this fall by the U.N. Development Program, found that 20 percent of residents in high income countries now consume a whopping 86 percent of the world’s consumer goods. Most of that spending comes now, during the holiday season. Great Lakes Radio Consortium commentator Suzanne Elston suggests that it’s high time we learned to live a little more simply:

Native Americans Run for Treaty Rights

A group of ten Indian tribal members are running from northern Wisconsin to Washington D-C to show their support for Chippewa hunting and fishing rights. On December 2nd, the U-S Supreme Court will hear a case between the State of Minnesota and the Millelacs Band of Chippewa. A favorable ruling for the state may jeopardize hunting and fishing rights for Native Americans nationwide. The Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s Nick Van Der Puy reports:

Preserving Remnants of the Tallgrass Prairies

There’s an effort underway in western Minnesota to preserve the Midwest’s last remaining acres of northern tallgrass prairie. Once, the grasslands spanned close to 25 million acres through parts of Minnesota, the Dakotas and Iowa. More than 90% of the original tallgrass prairie was plowed under – what remains today are only patches of the early grasslands. Under a new U.S. Fish and Wildlife program the hope is to keep these last few areas intact for years to come. The Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s Gretchen Lehmann reports:

World’s First Superconducting Power Lines

The world’s first high-capacity super-conducting power cable will be hooked up in a little over a year. The Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s Lester Graham reports that the cable could do for electricity what fiber optics did for communications:

Churches Push for Kyoto Treaty Passage

The National Council of Churches is trying to organize religious
activists in five Great Lakes states to push for ratification of the Kyoto Global Warming treaty by the U.S. Senate. As the Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s Bill Cohen reports, Ohio is the first state to get organized:

An Autumn Passing

Fall begins with unrivaled energy and beauty, but when the colors fade, it seems melancholy hangs in the bare trees as everything braces for winter. Great Lakes Radio Consortium Commentator Julia King explores the eternal link between nature’s cycle and an acceptance of death: