U.S. Muslims Focus on Environment

Some Christian sermons have been getting greener and greener lately.
It’s a part of a concerted effort to get church-goers on board with environmental volunteerism and
advocacy. American Muslims have been taking a hard look at the environment, too. Some
Islamic leaders hope Muslims will get fired up to fight global warming, deforestation, and other
environmental problems. Shawn Allee reports:


Some Christian sermons have been getting greener and greener lately.
It’s a part of a concerted effort to get church-goers on board with environmental volunteerism and
advocacy. American Muslims have been taking a hard look at the environment, too. Some
Islamic leaders hope Muslims will get fired up to fight global warming, deforestation, and other
environmental problems. Shawn Allee reports:

A few boys have some books sprawled on the floor of a book store. They’re practically devouring
some illustrated stories:

(Azam:) “All these three are my boys.”

(Allee:) “Looks like they’re pretty busy with their own books here.”

(Azam:) “Yeah, they like reading, I’m proud of them.”

Ali Azam says his boys aren’t the only ones reading up on Islam – it’s a family affair.

(Allee:) “Let’s see what books you have here.”

(Azam:) “To Be a European Muslim.”

Azam says, To Be a European Muslim reads like a manual for everyday life:

“You can be a good Muslim, and you can be a good citizen of the Western world.”

The IQRA Muslim book store in Chicago is owned by Abidullah Ghazi. Ghazi says Islam deals
with a person’s whole life. He says the holiest book, the Koran, has something to say on
marriage, science, and the environment:

“There’s very clear guidelines in the tradition of the prophet. When you plant a tree, and animals
and insects eat from it, for each eating, you get a reward.”

But Muslims I spoke with say the environment is not a hot topic in American mosques. And even
in this Muslim book store, it gets little explicit attention:

“Because, as I say, in traditional society itself, that’s not a major issue.”

Ghazi says when Muslims arrived a few decades ago, the environment was not on their minds.
Their children needed guidance on fundamentals, like how to pray. But today, Muslims face new
moral challenges, including the environment:

“So, the time’s ripe to discuss this issue.”

Ingrid Mattson is President of the Islamic Society of North America, or ISNA. ISNA is one of the nation’s
largest Muslim umbrella groups:

“What I would like to see is that we’re able to develop more guidelines with participation of the
community that would help them move forward to make them more environmentally friendly.”

Mattson wants American Muslims to fight global warming. She says it should be easy to motivate
them. After all, many have family abroad who face environmental problems:

“Most of us have at least visited Middle Eastern countries or African countries and we’ve seen for
ourselves the impact of global warming. We know, for example, that the situation in Darfur really
was started because of the drying up watering holes of nomads.”

The U.N. agrees water is at least one cause behind the conflict in Sudan. It could take time for
big-picture principles to move from Mattson’s group into American mosques. But some Muslim
environmental activists are on the move now.

Zainab Khan works with a Chicago inter-faith group called Faith in Place. She’s looking at things
Muslims can do in their day-to-day lives. One of Khan’s goals is to have mosques cut back the
environmental impact of Islamic rituals:

“We pray five times a day. Most people need to wash up before they pray, and usually they’ll be using
warm water for that.”

And heating water takes power. So, Khan is trying to get a local mosque to install solar water
heaters. She also wants Muslims to buy food from local farmers. She says getting organic food
isn’t enough. It can be imported from places like Peru:

“So, for example, if you’re getting organic all the way from Peru, it’s harder to monitor whether pesticides aren’t
being used, plus on top of that, you’re burning a lot of fossil fuels to get that organic food to you.”

Khan says buying local helps ensure workers and animals are treated well – both Islamic
principles. Khan says sometimes it’s hard to speak about Islam without getting hung up on
current discussions on gender and terrorism, but she tries anyway:

“God will send forth upon communities blessings upon blessings. It’s this positive outlook that if you make a
concerted effort and then God will take care of you and take care of the Earth.”

Increasingly, Islam is making America its home. Khan and other Muslims believe they can
contribute to making that home’s environment better through faith.

For the Environment Report, I’m Shawn Allee.

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Building an Ark for the World’s Plants

  • Prairie plants are being lost to development.(Courtesy of Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)

You’ve heard about the ark Noah built to save the world’s animals. Now comes news of another kind of ark – one designed to help save the world’s plants. The Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s Sandy Hausman has that story:


You’ve heard about the ark Noah built to save the world’s animals. Now
comes news of another kind of ark – one designed to help save the
world’s plants. The Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s Sandy Hausman
has that story:

(Sound of walking through the prairie up then under)

You might say Pati Vitt is looking for the right stock to fill the ark.
She’s dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, her long brown hair in braids, a field
notebook in hand, and a pencil tied to her pants. For nine months of each
year, she wanders along railroad tracks, through old cemeteries and
nature preserves, filling shopping bags with the seeds of prairie plants.

Vitt is a conservation scientist with the Chicago Botanic Garden. She has
studied these plants since she was a child. She knows their Latin names.
She dreams about them at night. She even knows the intimate details of
their reproductive lives:

“One does it having teeny little flowers and taking small little bees, and
another one does it by having huge flowers and lots of nectar and they
have really big bees or maybe a moth that pollinates them.”

And, she says, prairie plants are hearty. Native to the Upper Midwest,
they can handle icy winters and long, hot droughts, but they can’t fight
plows or bulldozers. Farmers and developers have destroyed almost all
the land where prairie plants once grew. Today, one-tenth of one percent
of the original prairie remains.

“That means that what we’re looking at right here is one-tenth of one
percent of the population that this plant once enjoyed. I’m sorry. Even
though there’s a lot in this prairie, this plant should be endangered,
because there are so few acres of its habitat left and everyday we’re
coming and we’re taking more and more of it. The prairie habitat is more
endangered than tropical rainforest.”

That worries Vitt, not only because she thinks the prairie plants are
beautiful, but because they may have value to people. For example, she
says about half of our modern medicines came – originally – from plants
or the fungus found in the soil beneath them.

“If you think about penicillin… penicillin came from mold. We might be
standing on a treasure trove of antibiotics, which we need, but if we let
the plants go, we let the soil fungi go, we let the potential antibiotics go.”

(Sound of seeds dropping into a jar)

So Vitt is collecting prairie seeds from about 1,500 plants and shipping
them to the English countryside.

(Sound of birds)

Just south of London, the British government has built what it hopes will
be the largest seed bank in the world devoted to wild plants. The
building looks like a series of greenhouses made from concrete, stone,
glass and steel. In the basement, fire and bombproof vaults hold billions of
seeds from 24,000 species:

“That’s the exciting bit. We thought big.”

Michael Way is a scientist at the Millennium Seed Bank. He says it’s
needed now because a lot of wild plants are in danger of
disappearing because of global warming and the pace of human
development. Way believes a third of the world’s plant species could be
gone by 2050.

“You hope that the worst is not going to happen. Of course, from time to
time the worst does happen. If a plant population is destroyed, if a
decision is taken to build houses or factories or roads on a particular area
which was home to some quite special plants, seed banking is one tool
you can use to protect that genetic diversity that might be unique to that

Each day, seeds arrive from Africa, Australia, Europe, the Middle East
and the Americas. They sit in colorful plastic crates — waiting to be
cleaned, dried and frozen. Way says these seeds could survive for a
century or more.

“Seeds are tough – small but tough, and the whole point of seeds is to be
dormant and allow themselves to be transported around, so unless we do
something really stupid, they will remain viable.”

Back in the U.S., Pati Vitt says seed banks like the one near London
could mean the survival of humanity, since people can’t live without

“I think fundamentally we all understand that we are a part of nature, but
in our daily lives we get so cut off from it that we forget.”

She sees the Earth as a garden, and she wants people to act like
gardeners. Setting up seed banks is an important first step.

“We will have the tools that we need to bring things back if necessary.”

For the GLRC, I’m Sandy Hausman.

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Hybrid Suvs Roll Into Showroom

For the past few years, people who have wanted to buy a more energy-efficient car have had to think small. That’s about to change. The floor of this year’s North American International Auto Show in Detroit offered a look at several new energy-efficient models due out later this year or within the next few years. The auto industry hasn’t sold very many of the cars carrying one type of new technology so far, but officials hope more choices will boost sales. The Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s Michael Leland has more:


For the past few years, people who have wanted to buy a more energy-efficient car have had to
think small. That’s about to change. The floor of this year’s North American International Auto
Show in Detroit offered a look at several new energy-efficient models due out later this year or
within the next few years. The auto industry hasn’t sold very many of the cars carrying one type
of new technology so far, but officials hope more choices will boost sales. The Great Lakes
Radio Consortium’s Michael Leland has more:

At the Toyota display at this year’s auto show, a small crowd formed around the newest version
of the gasoline-electric Prius. Toyota’s sold the car since 1997, and has made it bigger for this
year. What makes this car different is it’s powered by a gasoline-electric hybrid engine. A few
months ago, Denny Jones of Toledo, Ohio ordered a new Prius. He’s still waiting for delivery, so
he drove to Detroit to sit in one at the auto show.

“First of all, I’ve had other Toyotas, so I like the quality. They’ve made improvements on this
one. There’s hatchback. On the first style you couldn’t have a hatchback. They get better
mileage than the first one. And, overall it is a larger car.”

Gasoline-electric hybrid engines have lower emissions and get better mileage than cars with
standard gasoline engines. Toyota says the Prius gets about 50-miles per gallon. But the only
hybrids on the market so far have been small cars like the Prius and the Honda Civic.

Later this year and next, larger hybrids will roll into showrooms. Honda will offer a hybrid
Accord. And Ford will sell a hybrid version of its Escape SUV. Jerry Bissi braved an afternoon
snowstorm to come to the auto show, and was checking one out.

“I prefer to have an SUV-type vehicle for driving back and forth, all-wheel drive, the weather
conditions we have today outside. So I prefer something like that rather than the car.”

There will be several hybrid SUV’s available by next year. Toyota will sell a hybrid Highlander,
and its luxury division Lexus will offer its own model.

“Ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to introduce the world’s first luxury hybrid vehicle, the
Lexus RX-400-H.”

Denny Clements is a vice-president at Lexus. He says there seems to be a pent-up demand for
larger hybrids.

“Our dealers have taken a huge amount of orders just off word of mouth about Prius, I think. I
think what we have when you talk to our customers is there is a lot of very affluent people who
would like to make a statement about Middle East oil, would like to make a statement about who
they are, but they don’t want to make the sacrifices in terms of luxury amenities.”

Toyota says Americans bought about 21-thousand hybrid Priuses last year. But that’s a drop in
the bucket compared to the almost 16-million vehicles sold in the U.S. last year.

“If you added up all the hybrids that have ever been made since the beginning of time, they don’t
equal the production of one high-volume auto plant in one year.”

That’s David Cole. He heads the Center for Automotive Research. He says some people have
shied away from hybrids because they’ve only been available as small cars, and others have been
wary of the new technology. But mostly, Cole says a lot of people aren’t willing to pay more for
a hybrid.

“Where it is going to be in the future is dependant on one thing in my judgment and that is
economics. Can it be done at a cost that consumers will pay for?”

So far, Toyota, Lexus and Ford aren’t saying what their new hybrids will cost. Right now a new
hybrid Honda Civic costs about two-thousand dollars more than the most expensive gasoline
model. The federal government offers a tax deduction to hybrid-buyers to help close that gap, but
it is being phased out during the next few years. Some automakers and environmental groups say
it’s not enough anyway. They want Congress to pass a federal tax credit for people who buy

David Friedman is with the Union of Concerned Scientists. He says the automakers’ decision to
offer hybrid engines in more models is an opportunity for the country to become less dependant
on imported oil – if enough people can be persuaded to buy the vehicles.

“If automakers put some of their 10-to-15 billion dollars of advertising muscle behind this, and if
the government is willing to get these tax credits out there, I think we can see hybrids grow into a
significant portion of the market.”

Back at the auto show, Jerry Bissi says he’d consider buying a hybrid SUV. He says he thinks
others will too, if the price is right and they prove to be reliable.

“I think there are a lot of people sitting on the fence. They’re going to watch the first one, see
how it does. If it does prove to be good, they’ll jump on the bandwagon and be late joiners.”

Buyers might need some convincing, though. On this afternoon at the auto show, Ford’s hybrid
version of the Escape SUV drew only a few visitors compared to the crowds surrounding the
standard gasoline-engine Escape and the company’s larger Explorer SUV.

For the Great Lakes Radio Consortium, I’m Michael Leland.

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Hollywood Warnings Undue

Many famous entertainers love preaching to America about environmental issues and war. But Great Lakes Radio Consortium commentator Mike VanBuren says they first ought to look at their own lavish lifestyles:


Many famous entertainers love preaching to America about environmental issues and war. But
Great Lakes Radio Consortium commentator Mike VanBuren says they first ought to look at their
own lavish lifestyles:

On the eve of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, musician Sheryl Crow issued a challenge on her web site.
She urged those supporting the military action to trade in their “gas guzzlers” and buy smaller cars.
She said this will break our dependency on foreign oil and, presumably, help avoid future wars.

Sheryl’s challenge goes nicely with recent claims by other Hollywood celebrities. Namely, that
SUVs are as threatening to America as angry members of al-Qaida. Sheryl’s no terrorist, so she
promised to sell her own SUV – a BMW.

I’m sure these critics are well intentioned. And I agree that we need to find ways to conserve
energy and break our addiction to Middle East crude. But they seldom mention anything about the
sprawling mansions they live in, the stretch limousines they use, or the fuel-guzzling jets they fly to
holidays in Paris and Acapulco.

All these things – and more – make us dependent on foreign oil. SUVs are only part of the
equation. The U.S. Department of Energy says that transportation of goods and people accounts
for less than a third of our energy use. Another third is consumed by homes and commerce, and
slightly more than that by industry.

So why are celebrities taking aim only at SUV owners – while ignoring their own energy wasting

It reminds me of students at a conservation school I attended many years ago. Each of us wanted
to save the environment. Or so we said.

One day, I challenged classmates about driving into town each evening to drink beer and dance at
local taverns. How could we teach others to save resources if we couldn’t keep our own cars
parked for even a few days?

They rolled their eyes and snickered at my stinginess. Our instructor – a Ph.D. in biology – called
me a “sour grape.”

He may have been right. I could be a “sour grape.” But I can’t help it – especially when I meet
self-righteous do-gooders. They tend to see others with 20/20 vision, but are blind to the
wastefulness in their own lives.

The last time I was in Tinseltown, I was struck by the number of fancy SUVs that were tooling
around Beverly Hills and Bel Air. Some of them were parked outside homes as big as Saudi

I drove past the Shrine Auditorium on Oscar night. I saw a huge parking lot full of long, white
limos. Their engines were running, so air conditioners could keep the stars cool when they emerged
for trips to parties across town.

If Hollywood elites want us to drive smaller cars, shouldn’t they start by changing their own
consumptive lifestyles? And couldn’t the privileged class save energy by flying less, driving Hondas
to the Academy Awards show, and draining the water from their heated swimming pools?

Mike VanBuren is an award-winning environmental writer living near Richland, Michigan.