New Microbe Munches Pollutants

Trichloroethaneor TCA, is a solvent that contaminates groundwater and erodes the ozone layer. It is present at many polluted sites across the country. TCA comes from many common products such as glue, paint and industrial degreasers. Now scientists say they’ve found a microbe that can help clean it up. The Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s Tamar Charney reports:


Trichloroethane or TCA is a solvent that contaminates groundwater
and erodes the ozone layer. It is present at many polluted sites across
the country. TCA comes from many common products such as glue,
degreasers, and aerosol sprays. Now scientists say they’ve found a
that can help clean it up. The Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s Tamar
Charney reports:

One way polluted water can be cleaned is to add bacteria that breaks
down the harmful substances. It is a process called bioremediation. In a
recent issue of “Science,” researchers at Michigan State University say
they’ve identified a microbe that could do this with TCA. Benjamin
Griffin is a doctoral student who worked on the project. He says they
found the bacteria in sediment in the Hudson River.

“They actually breathe TCA, so they respire it. They’re using this
chlorinated compound in the same way we use oxygen.”

The bacteria breaks down the TCA into other compounds. Those chemical
compounds can then be further broken down by other pollution-eating or
breathing bacteria. Up until now, scientists though there might not be
way to biodegrade TCA. For the Great Lakes Radio Consortium, I’m Tamar

City Bans Mercury Thermometers

Duluth, Minnesota recently banned the sale of mercury
thermometers. It’s the latest in a series of grassroots efforts to get
mercury out of the environment. The Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s
Stephanie Hemphill reports: