Congress to Approve Seaway Expansion Study?

Congress is considering spending up to 2-million dollars for a long-term study of widening and deepening the Saint Lawrence Seaway. Opponents say an expansion of the Seaway will only mean more environmental trouble for the Great Lakes. The Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s Mike Simonson reports:


Congress is considering spending up to 2-million dollars for a long-term study of widening and
deepening the Saint Lawrence Seaway. Opponents say an expansion of the Seaway will only
mean more environmental trouble for the Great Lakes. The Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s
Mike Simonson reports:

The bone of contention is a multi-year study that looks at allowing larger ocean-going ships to get
through the Seaway. The Seaway links the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean. The National
Wildlife Federation’s Rick Spencer in Washington says that would rip up the Saint Lawrence
River and stir up pollution from Montreal to Milwaukee.

“Dredging hundreds of millions of cubic yard. Blasting islands. You are destroying fish habitat,
you’re going to be releasing toxic sediments. You’re going to increase the risk of new invasive

Right now channels are 25 feet deep. The study will look at digging 10 feet deeper, allowing
ships to take on more cargo at less cost. Duluth Port Director Davis Helberg says the protests are

“We’re talking about a study. We’re talking about an analysis that will focus on engineering,
economics, and on the environmental aspects of keeping the Seaway competitive in the long

The proposal is in the House and Senate conference committee and will be decided later this

For the Great Lakes Radio Consortium, I’m Mike Simonson.

Invasives Leave Parasites Behind

Plants and animals that come from overseas sometimes out-compete species that are native to the region. Scientists have long debated what makes the invaders so successful. One hypothesis is that invasive species have fewer natural enemies. New research supports this idea. The Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s Rebecca Williams has details:


Plants and animals that come from overseas sometimes out-compete species that are native to the
region. Scientists have long debated what makes the invaders so successful. One hypothesis is
that invasive species have fewer natural enemies. New research supports this idea. The Great
Lakes Radio Consortium’s Rebecca Williams has details:

Invasive animals and plants have fewer parasites and diseases than their native competitors.

That’s according to two new studies published in the journal Nature. In one study, researchers
analyzed parasites of 26 invasive species, including the zebra mussel.

Kevin Lafferty is an author of the study. He says when a foreign species invades a new area, it
leaves most of its parasites behind. He says importing those natural enemies might be a good
way to control invasives.

“There’s still several species, on average, about 13 parasite species back in the introduced
species’ home range, that we could consider for biological control, and of course an important
part of that process is to determine which ones might be safe, in terms of not infecting our native

A second study looked at nearly 500 plants that have been brought into the U.S. Researchers
found that plants that leave behind the most pathogens are the most likely to become invasive.

For the Great Lakes Radio Consortium, I’m Rebecca Williams.

Farming in Age of Global Warming

For years, scientists have been studying what will happen to our environment in the age of global warming. A recently released report draws some conclusions about what may happen in the farm fields. The Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s Bill Cohen reports:


For years, scientists have been studying what will happen to
our environment in the age of global warming. A recently
released report draws some conclusions about what may
happen in the farm fields. The Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s
Bill Cohen reports:

More carbon dioxide in the air will bring larger crop yields, says
plant ecologist Peter Curtis of Ohio State University. He and other
OSU scientists have just finished reviewing 159 studies from the past
20 years on global warming. Their conclusion – by the end of this
century, some plants will produce more grain.

“Corn, for example, about 5%, wheat we’re lookin’ at about 15%, barley
a little bit more – maybe 18%, soybeans at around 20%, and then rice
all the way up around 40%.”

More food, says Curtis, but it might be less nutritious. That’s the
downside his study is predicting if global warming continues – the
crops will contain less nitrogen and that may mean less protein for the
humans, cows, and pigs that eat it.

For the Great Lakes Radio Consortium, I’m Bill Cohen in Columbus.