Coast Guard Feels the Heat

A Wisconsin member of Congress is warning the Coast Guard to pay more
attention to Great Lake’s needs. U-S Representative Dave Obey says he
is fed up with what he calls foot-dragging to replace the World War Two
vintage ice breaker, Mackinaw. The Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s Mike
Simonson reports:

Churches Push for Kyoto Treaty Passage

The National Council of Churches is trying to organize religious
activists in five Great Lakes states to push for ratification of the Kyoto Global Warming treaty by the U.S. Senate. As the Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s Bill Cohen reports, Ohio is the first state to get organized:

Seaway Appointment Irks Port Authorities

The appointment of a congressional aide from California to head up the Saint Lawrence Seaway system has drawn fire from all of the Great Lakes’ Port Authorities. The Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s Mike Simonson reports that critics are calling the appointment process a sham

Proposed Cuts May End Harbor Dredging

Maintenance of small recreational harbors on the Great Lakes could
be cut if the Army Corps (CORE) of Engineers has to trim its budget any
further. This month (October, 1998), Congress rejected a Clinton
Administration request to stop dredging small harbors. The Great Lakes
Radio Consortium’s Mike Simonson has the story:

Forest Service &Quot;Witch Hunt"

Some environmental groups say congress is on a "witch-hunt" after U.S.Forest Service Employees. The Great Lakes Radio Consortium LesterGraham reports:

Water Diversion Battle Continues

After being denied once, a Canadian company hoping to divert water fromthe Great Lakes and sell it to Asia is again seeking the permission ofthe Canadian Government. The Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s MikeSimonson reports the U.S. Congress may intervene:

States Turn to the Feds to Fight Gypsy Moths

Last month (July, 1998), Congress cut funding for an ongoing program to control the gypsy moth. Now, five Great Lakes states hope Forest Service dollars might save the program. The Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s Patty Murray has more:

Treaty Needed for Water Diversion?

The announcement that Ontario is withdrawing its permit for a privateCanadian company to export Lake Superior water to Asia isn’t enough forone Wisconsin member of Congress. He’s calling for a treaty negotiationbetween Washington and Ontario. The Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s MikeSimonson reports:

Low-Flush Toilets Make a Splash

It’s one of the most private, intimate parts of our lives — in fact, most people talk more readily about sex than they do about what goes on in the bathroom. But now, toilet talk is heating up over a federal mandate requiring all new toilets to flush with no more than one-point-six gallons of water. The Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s Wendy Nelson has the story:

Supreme Court Debates Forest Management

Management of the Wayne National Forest in Southeast Ohio is the subject of a U-S Supreme Court Case. The arguments are scheduled this week (Wednesday) in Washington. The Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s Julie Grant Cooper reports on how the decision is expected to set a precedent on how our National Forests are managed: