Treaty Needed for Water Diversion?

The announcement that Ontario is withdrawing its permit for a privateCanadian company to export Lake Superior water to Asia isn’t enough forone Wisconsin member of Congress. He’s calling for a treaty negotiationbetween Washington and Ontario. The Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s MikeSimonson reports:

Aerial Firefighting

High-risk fire conditions are expected to continue for another fewweeks across the Midwest. Firefighting crews are on standby, hoping toprotect not only forests, but also the fast-growing number of homes andcabins. In Wisconsin, they’re trying a new tool they hope will keepfires under control. The Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s Mike Simonsonreports:

Monitoring Radioactive Levels in the Great Lakes

A U-S/Canadian Great Lakes Commission is calling on both countries tobegin monitoring radiation levels on the Great Lakes. Fall-out fromnuclear weapons testing and nuclear power plants has lead to concernsabout its effects on people and the environment. The Great Lakes RadioConsortium’s Mike Simonson reports:

Shipping Strike Averted

The Great Lakes Sailors Union has decided not to strike against two steel-hauling fleets this year. As the Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s Mike Simonson reports, a strike could have been disastrous for an otherwise strong shipping season:

Great Lakes Shippers May Face New Fees

The U-S Coast Guard has resurrected a proposal to make commercial shippers pay for ice breaking and buoy-tending services. But industry officials say it’ll cause an unfair burden on Great Lakes shipping companies. The Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s Mike Simonson reports:

Striking Crews May Halt Great Lakes Shipping

Great Lakes Shippers are facing a strike, in a classic transportation dispute over cutting crews. Union sailors authorized a strike against two of the six fleets on the Great Lakes, after the companies proposed cutting back crews on supercarriers. The Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s Mike Simonson reports:

Drilling the Great Lakes

The Wisconsin Legislature is considering a bill that would ban drilling for oil and natural gas around Lake Michigan and Lake Superior. The Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s Mike Simonson has this report:

Ancient Canoe Discovery in Northern Great Lakes

A dug-out canoe found in Wisconsin is causing a stir with the historical society. Using advanced technology, researchers say the canoe is almost two-thousand years old. The Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s Mike Simonson reports:

Commercial Lamprey Harvest May Soon End

A program to control the invasion of exotic species has got the lamprey eel under control throughout the Great Lakes…everywhere except the St. Mary’s River. But now, the lamprey are the target of a new time-release chemical that should reduce the lamprey population by 85-percent. But as the Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s Mike Simonson reports, bringing the species under control will mean the end to a recent money-making experiment:

Lamprey Eel Control

A new strategy to fight the lamprey eel should mean higher fish populations in Lake Michigan and Lake Huron. The Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s Mike Simonson reports on this break-through: