Cockroach Contraceptive

If you’ve ever had cockroaches, you know how hard it is to get rid
of them. Many people turn to exterminators or pesticide sprays. But
often, roach-killing products are made with neurotoxins that may be
harmful to pets and humans. Now, some scientists have come up with a
different approach: a kind of birth control… for cockroaches. The
Lakes Radio Consortium’s Wendy Nelson explains:

Operation Lice Be Gone

According to the world health organization, up to twelve-million cases
of head lice are reported each year. School-aged children, between
three and ten, are most likely to get lice. At most schools, kids with
lice are sent home, where the parents are left to deal with the
problem. But as the Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s Wendy Nelson
reports, some lice-fighting experts are trying a new, pro-active


According to the world health organization, up to twelve-million cases of
head lice are reported each year.

School-aged children, between three and ten, are most likely to get lice.
At most schools, kids with lice are sent home, where the parents are left to
deal with the problem.

But as the Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s Wendy Nelson reports, some
lice-fighting experts are trying a new, pro-active approach:

(sound of hallway)

Beach Elementary School in Cedar Springs, Michigan, looks like pretty much
like any other elementary school.

The linoleum floors are buffed to a high shine,

and the walls are decorated with crayon drawings.

But when you look down the hallways, you’ll see a strange sight: hundreds of
black, plastic trash bags hanging from the coat hooks.

“When the kids come in, they put all of their personal belongings –
coats, hats, gloves – in the-plastic bags. That’s how their clothing is
contained so that the bugs don’t have the opportunity to crawl.”

Vicky Bishop says more and more schools are using garbage bags this way –
when you see them, it’s a reminder of the ongoing struggle they face, trying
to eliminate lice.

Experts say about eighty-percent of school districts will have a lice
outbreak this year. At this school, the trash bags are a pro-active measure,
taken to cut down on the chance that an infestation will break out.

And, there’s another pro-active step the school’s taking.

On this Saturday morning, they’ve invited families from all over the
community to a special kind of open house – a chance to get de-loused.

Nurse: “Ok, are we checking all three?”

Mom: “Everybody.”

Nurse: “Everybody! Ok!”

Families are greeted at a sign-up table. Then they’re guided through a
series of rooms, where teams of lice-fighting experts are standing by to
shampoo and comb and look for lice.

The first stop is the evaluation station.

Every family member’s head is careful checked for live lice or their eggs,
called nits.

Nurse: “And the big key is to make the difference between dandruff and the
nits. The nits won’t come off, dandruff can move – see, I can easily move
it. Okay, sweetie.”

The event is called Operation Lice Be Gone.

It’s the brainchild of lice consultant Vicky Bishop.

Bishop travels around the country, visiting dozens of schools a year and
advising teachers, nurses and parents how to get rid of lice infestations.

But she says before she can get down to work, there’s big hurdle to jump –
that is, overcoming the embarrassment and shame parents feel when their kids
get lice.

“The lice problem is everywhere, it’s if people are willing to talk
about it or not. And once we get them to step up and start to talk about it
and address it, get over with the denial thing, then we can finally do
something about it.”

Many people believe lice outbreaks only happen in dirty houses, to unbathed

But in fact, all types of families are affected.

Most of the parents here today say they’ve tried using everything from
over-the-counter shampoos, to home remedies.

“We went from Rid to the Robie comb. We did mayonnaise, we called the
doctor. The doctor gave us a prescription. That didn’t work, either.”

But the experts here today say you can beat a lice problem – if you’re thorough and


They say a key component to success is teaching people about lice.

They’re tiny, blood-sucking parasites that live on the scalp, and lay eggs on
strands of hair.

They’re easy to get, and a lot harder to get rid of.

After the families are treated with a lice-killing shampoo, they put on
plastic shower caps and wait a half-hour for the solution to work.

While they wait, they visit the education room.

Todd Bilinsky and his five kids are gathered ‘round a microscope, checking
out a lice, magnified forty times.

Bilinsky says the family’s had a lice problem on and off for about two years.

“Every week, I’d go through their hair – almost on a daily basis, trying
to go through their hair. They just are tired of the treatments, and I’m
tired of giving them the treatments. And then I’m never sure
further down in their lives, what all these treatments, you know, what kind
of effect they’re going to have on them.”

And that brings up another goal of Operation Lice Be Gone.

Vicky Bishop and the other lice control experts here today are trying to raise

awareness of how to get rid of lice without using

They say safer shampoos are now available that use vegetable-derived enzymes.

However, there’s some debate about the effectiveness of those products.

Here in the rinse room, a young girl is in the final stages of her lice

“Here, put your head down there, we’ll rinse the very ends of it.”

Vicky Bishop is rinsing out the shampoo and re-inspecting the girl’s hair to
make sure all the lice are dead, and all the nits are gone.

Girl: “There’s one right there, on the end of it.”

Vicky: “Let’s see if that’s a nit. Will you hand me a nit comb, please?”

About thirty people were treated here today at Operation Lice Be Gone.

But Vicky Bishop says the project was still successful, because it’s getting
the word out about the lice epidemic – letting people know they aren’t
alone, and showing them it’s nothing to be ashamed of.

For the Great Lakes Radio Consortium, I’m Wendy Nelson in Cedar Springs,

Mayflies Make a Comeback

People have long considered the burrowing mayfly a pest. And 40 years
ago, they were glad when the clouds of bugs virtually disappeared from
the Great Lakes. But the mayfly is making a comeback. And as the Great
Lakes Radio Consortium’s Karen Kelly reports, scientists say it’s a sign
of a healthier water system:

Tricking the Gypsy Moth

The U-S Forest Service and the Indiana Department of Natural Resources will
be using pheromone treatments to prevent gypsy moths from mating in wooded
areas along the Lake Michigan shoreline. The effort is aimed at protecting
the large concentration of endangered Karner Blue butterflies along the
shoreline. The Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s Len Clark reports:

An Unusual Northwoods Celebration

The forests, lakes and rivers of northern Wisconsin are popular with many
outdoors enthusiasts. People enjoy everything from hunting and fishing to
hiking and biking. But playing outdoors has its downsides.
The most notable would be the dreaded tick. While most people think the
blood-sucking bugs are creepy, one town has decided to accept them. And
even have a little fun. The Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s Todd Witter has
the story:

New Zoo Exhibit Honors Bugs

  • A $4-million dollar Insectarium is under construction at the St. Louis Zoo. It will be among the large such facilities in the nation. (Photo courtesy of St. Louis Zoo)

Going to the zoo means seeing lions and tigers and bears. But one group
of animals is rarely represented. The Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s
Lester Graham reports on a new exhibit to house some of the planet’s
most populous animals insects:

Honey Bees Face Another Threat

A new threat to honey bees that had been isolated to four southern
states has just been spotted in the Great Lakes region……and
agriculture officials are warning beekeepers to be on the lookout. The
Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s Bill Cohen has more:

Butterfly Exhibit Flies Into Region

Each spring, thousands of tropical butterflies make their way to the
Great Lakes region. But they don’t migrate here naturally — they’re
imported as part of the largest temporary tropical butterfly exhibit in
the country. The Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s Wendy Nelson Reports:

Lice Exterminators Pluck Profits

Over the past several years, lice outbreaks have become more frequent
and more severe. Some scientists believe it’s because a new strain of
lice have developed resistance to both over-the-counter and prescription
lice treatments. But as researchers scratch their heads and wonder what
to do to control these "super lice", some new businesses are jumping in
with an answer. The Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s Wendy Nelson

Resistant &Quot;Super Lice" Tough to Kill

The mere mention of lice might be enough to make your skin crawl. But the really creepy news is that lice outbreaks are becoming more frequent…and more difficult to control. The Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s Wendy Nelson reports: