Noise Pollution Dampens the Sounds of Nature

A man who listens to the sounds of nature for a living…says we’re
missing a lot. He thinks because of noise pollution and because we’re
disconnected from wildlife…people often go through life without hearing
much of the rest of the living world. The Great Lakes Radio
Consortium’s Lester Graham reports:

Prairie State Losing Its Prairie Chickens

  • From a bird blind, Ronald Westemeier observes Greater Prairie Chickens on the booming ground. He spent his career trying to save the bird in Illinois.

The Greater Prairie Chicken was once common throughout the Great Lakes
region, but now it’s disappeared from states like Pennsylvania, Ohio,
and Indiana. While some flocks have survived in Minnesota and
Wisconsin, Prairie Chickens in Illinois are in trouble. Several
management plans have failed and now conservationists are actively
working to save the few remaining birds. The Great Lakes Radio
Consortium’s Lester Graham has the story: