How Opinions Form on Climate Change

  • This report found that while most Americans think climate change is an important issue, they don’t see it as an immediate threat to their lives. (Photo courtesy of the National Cancer Institute)

A new report indicates social circles have
more to do with what people believe about
climate change than the facts gathered by
scientists. Lester Graham reports on
research presented to the American
Psychological Association:


A new report indicates social circles have
more to do with what people believe about
climate change than the facts gathered by
scientists. Lester Graham reports on
research presented to the American
Psychological Association:

This report found that while most Americans think climate change is an important issue, they don’t see it as an immediate threat to their lives.

Janet Swim with Pennsylvania State Univerity chaired the task force looking into the issue. She reported to the American Psychological Association that getting people to go green will mean getting past psychological barriers.

For example, a politician might cite scientific facts regarding climate change, but that politician’s party affiliation might be more important to people than the scientific facts.

“Party lines determines to some extent people’s beliefs about climate change. And so, when somebody’s not in your party in the government, telling you something about climate change, you’re already starting with a sense of distrust.”

So Swim says policymakers need to recognize getting people to change their behavior will take more than just science and facts.

For The Environment Report, I’m Lester Graham.

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Hunters and Anglers Disagree With Bush Policies

A group that generally considers itself to be conservative disagrees with many of the Bush administration’s policies on the environment. The Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s Lester Graham reports on a survey of hunters and anglers:


A group that generally considers itself to be conservative disagrees with many of the Bush
Administration’s policies on the environment. The Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s Lester Graham
reports on a survey of hunters and anglers:

The National Wildlife Federation commissioned a nationwide survey of people who hold hunting or
fishing licenses. It revealed that hunters and anglers generally liked some of the Bush
conservation programs, but disagreed with the Bush approach to controlling mercury pollution,
drilling for gas on public lands, and changing how wetlands are protected. Brian Preston is with the
National Wildlife Federation. He says the survey shows hunters and anglers want to protect the
environment; not just their hunting and fishing rights.

“They’re not the ‘Bubba’ that just cares about filling a bag limit. They do care about their natural
resources, and based on those values, they’re not happy with some of the current policies put forth
by the White House.

More than two-thirds of the hunters and anglers voted for Bush in the last election, but an even
greater number disagree with some of the Bush policies on the environment.