Legacy Left by Cormorant Slaughter (Part 2)

The double-crested cormorant has been an enemy of fishermen for centuries.
They’ve eaten salmon on the Atlantic coast, catfish in Missouri and game
fish in the Great Lakes. Fishermen complain the cormorants are bad for
business. And last summer, fishing guides on Lake Ontario made their point
by killing more than two thousand birds. A year later, they’ve been caught
and arrested. In the second of a two part series, the Great Lakes Radio
Consortium’s Karen Kelly reports the effect of those killings is still being

Cormorants Slaughter Remains a Mystery

The shotgun massacre of nearly 9-hundred young cormorants on a Lake Ontario Island has prompted offers of rewards for information from the U-S Fish and Wildlife Service, and at least one animal rights group. State and federal agents have mounted what they term a "large and aggressive" investigation. The Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s Martha Foley reports: