Water Diversion Plan Dropped

An Ontario company has withdrawn its bid for a permit to sell Lake
Superior water to Asian countries. But, as the Great Lakes Radio
Consortium’s Mike Simonson reports, it probably won’t be the last time
someone will try to divert water from the Great Lakes:

EPA’s Search for Endocrine Disrupters

For years scientists have been trying to see if certain chemicals used
in industry affect the reproductive and neurological health of humans.
The U-S Environmental Protection Agency is getting ready to design tests
for the chemicals, but as the Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s Lester
Graham reports, money, politics and ignorance are interfering:

Trees Used to Clean Up Toxins

Researchers are finding ways to use plants to clean up contaminated
sites. The Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s Lester Graham reports on a
project to use genetically altered trees to pull certain kinds of
pollution from the ground:

Saving Niagara’s Natural Beauty

A historian believes one of the world’s most visited natural sites is
being ruined by tourist development. The Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s
Lester Graham reports that instead of new hotels and casinos…one man is
pushing for an appreciation of the natural beauty of Niagara Falls: