Riders Pay With Recyclables

The city of Seymour, Indiana had two problems: it’s low-income residents
needed public transportation, and like most cities across the nation, it
needed to reduce the amount of waste heading to landfills. Working with
state and federal government agencies, the city solved both problems,
with one solution never before tried in any U-S city: a public bus that
accepts recyclables as fare. The Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s Janet
Babin reports:

Public Transportation Loses Constituency

Residents of large cities have relied on public transportation for decades. And in recent years, cities like New York, Los Angeles and Washington D.C. have all seen ridership on their transit systems grow. But Chicago is an exception. And while many cities have succeeded in making public transit a priority, Chicago is still looking for the answer to its transit woes. The Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s Steve Frenkel reports: