Working From Home

The gift-giving season has come and gone. Some folks ended up with sweaters that were two sizes too large; some folks got sparkly baubles; and lots of people were the beneficiaries of gifts promising to simplify their lives – including their work lives. With millions of Americans working out of their homes, Great Lakes Radio Consortium commentator Julia King thinks home-office life after the holidays is going to be smooth sailing! Or is it?


The gift-giving season has come and gone. Some folks ended up with sweaters that were two
sizes too large; some folks got sparkly baubles; and lots of people were the beneficiaries of gifts
promising to simplify their lives – including their work lives. With millions of Americans
working out of their homes, Great Lakes Radio Consortium
commentator Julia King thinks home-office life after the holidays is going to be smooth sailing!
Or is it?

Testing, testing, one, two, three.

This is great. I’m standing in my living room right now because my generous, genius husband got
me recording equipment for Christmas. I’m his very favorite NPR commentator. I think.

So, I used to have to go to an actual studio for this kind of thing. (“Look at my picture,
Mommy!”) Not now, honey. I had to get in my car (and burn fossil fuel), drive miles away
(sometimes in snow or pouring rain) and then (VIOLIN PLAYS IN BACKGROUND) I’d hope
that the engineer would show up.

Hey, Sweetheart. Mommy’s working here. Can I get a little cooperation? Thanks.

Anyway, one of the studios had this weird hum. We never could figure out exactly what it was…
(MAN YELLS QUESTION IN BACKGROUND) I think I saw it in the upstairs bathroom.

I remember once I brought a big wool blanket into the studio and we hung it over some buzzing
generator but it…


Hello. Oh, hi. What’ cha doing? Oh yeah. That’s too funny. Hey, can I call you back? I’m
actually recording right now. Uh huh. No. It’s serious, high-quality stuff. Stuart got it for me
for Christmas. Yeah. Isn’t that great? Okay, I’ll talk to you later. Bye.

So the wool blanket didn’t work. And the other studio was, well, let’s just say we had a
minor disagreement about my importance. You know how that is.

Generally speaking, the only downside to this whole commentary thing has been the recording
aspect. Now it’s like all my problems (DOG BARKS) are solved. Can somebody let the dog out?
Now I’m going to be working all the time. Wow. I recommend this set up to anybody who’s
considering working for radio.

This is fabulous. I wonder what great idea my husband will come up with next year for
Christmas. I hope he gets me a snow-cone maker.

Julia King lives, writes – and records from her living room – in Goshen, Indiana. She comes to
us by way of the Great Lakes Radio Consortium.