The Greenest City in the U.S.?

The City of Chicago wants to be “the greenest city in the United States.” Some environmental groups like what they hear, but want to know more details about how the city plans to get there. The Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s Lester Graham reports:


The City of Chicago wants to be “the greenest city in the United States.” Some environmental groups like what they hear, but want to know more details about how the city plans to get there. The Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s Lester Graham reports:

City officials are updating a plan for downtown and are including more greenspace. Besides new parks, and greener areas along the Chicago River, the city plans more and better public transportation, and better use of space by building more high-density residential areas that include affordable housing. Environmental groups like what they hear so far. Jack Darin is Director of the Sierra Club – Illinois Chapter.

“Being a green city is hard because cities are inherently dirty places. But, there are a lot of things that can be done to make them a lot cleaner, to make them a lot healthier, to make them better places to live. And we’re encouraged that the city is trying some novel ideas in that direction.”

Chicago has a history of good urban planning, but the city has not always followed its plans to their completion. Environmental groups say they’re hopeful that the city completes this plan. For the Great Lakes Radio Consortium, this is Lester Graham.