Airplane De-Icers Harm Aquatic Life

  • Fluids from de-icers and anti-icers can end up in creeks and lakes, harming the aquatic life that dwell there. (Photo courtesy of the EPA)

A new study indicates fluids used to remove or prevent ice buildup on planes can still be
harmful to aquatic life. But the research shows some of the chemicals are more toxic
than others. Chuck Quirmbach reports:


A new study indicates fluids used to remove or prevent ice buildup on planes can still be
harmful to aquatic life. But the research shows some of the chemicals are more toxic
than others. Chuck Quirmbach reports:

The US Geological Survey has been testing the different fluids used as de-icers and anti-
icers on airplanes. The solutions often flow into storm sewers that end up in creeks and
lakes. Researcher Steve Corsi says when the products are used during extreme weather
conditions, they can build up in the environment:

“Intense freezing rains are usually the worst ones. Where you might see a little bit higher
concentration, there’s more risk.”

So the federal agency exposed minnows, algae and other sensitive aquatic organisms to
the de-icers and anti-icers. Corsi says de-icers are not as toxic as they used to be but anti-
icers that prevent ice buildup on airplanes are still toxic. The results of the tests are being
sent to the Environmental Protection Agency, which is considering restrictions on how
the fluids are used.

For the Environment Report, I’m Chuck Quirmbach.

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Estrogen Feminizing Male Fish

Research is finding that the hormone in birth control pills is getting into water and affecting the reproduction of fish. The Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s Lester Graham reports:


Research is finding that the hormone in birth control pills is getting into water and
affecting the reproduction of fish. The Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s Lester
Graham reports:

Researchers had already noted that fish near sewer plants were affected by the estrogen from birth
control pills that passes through a woman’s body. Further research for Fisheries and Oceans
Canada reveals that levels of estrogen even lower than found downstream of some U.S. sewer
plants can have dramatic effect on fish. Karen Kidd is the lead scientist.

“And what we’re finding is that the males are all becoming feminized. And
we’re seeing declines in numbers
in one of our minnow species as well.”

That minnow species has declined more than 95-percent. The scientists say if the estrogen in the
water is affecting the fish… there might be human implications as well.

For the Great Lakes Radio Consortium, this is Lester Graham.

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