Great Lakes Shippers May Face New Fees

The U-S Coast Guard has resurrected a proposal to make commercial shippers pay for ice breaking and buoy-tending services. But industry officials say it’ll cause an unfair burden on Great Lakes shipping companies. The Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s Mike Simonson reports:

Windpower Manufacturer Gets Government Boost

Advocates of renewable energy are hoping the deregulation of electric utilities will give solar and wind energy a chance to flourish. A small company in Duluth, Minnesota thinks they have designed a new wind-power electric generating system that will work equally well on Midwestern farms and in small villages in the developing world. The Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s Stephanie Hemphill reports:

Commentary – Recycling Must Pay

There is an increasing demand for recycling and other waste reduction initiatives to be cost effective, but as Great Lakes Radio Consortium commentator Suzanne Elston points out, nobody ever questions the cost of simply dumping our garbage:

Striking Crews May Halt Great Lakes Shipping

Great Lakes Shippers are facing a strike, in a classic transportation dispute over cutting crews. Union sailors authorized a strike against two of the six fleets on the Great Lakes, after the companies proposed cutting back crews on supercarriers. The Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s Mike Simonson reports:

Supreme Court Debates Forest Management

Management of the Wayne National Forest in Southeast Ohio is the subject of a U-S Supreme Court Case. The arguments are scheduled this week (Wednesday) in Washington. The Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s Julie Grant Cooper reports on how the decision is expected to set a precedent on how our National Forests are managed:

Public Transportation Loses Constituency

Residents of large cities have relied on public transportation for decades. And in recent years, cities like New York, Los Angeles and Washington D.C. have all seen ridership on their transit systems grow. But Chicago is an exception. And while many cities have succeeded in making public transit a priority, Chicago is still looking for the answer to its transit woes. The Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s Steve Frenkel reports:

Commercial Lamprey Harvest May Soon End

A program to control the invasion of exotic species has got the lamprey eel under control throughout the Great Lakes…everywhere except the St. Mary’s River. But now, the lamprey are the target of a new time-release chemical that should reduce the lamprey population by 85-percent. But as the Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s Mike Simonson reports, bringing the species under control will mean the end to a recent money-making experiment:

Logging Controversy Continues

A 100-acre tract in the Superior National Forest is the latest battleground in the ongoing war over how public lands are managed. It’s been the subject of court rulings, blockades, and protest rallies. As the Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s Stephanie Hemphill reports, the conflict is stirring up an emotional debate that so far has taken the usual line of jobs versus the environment: