No Redesign Planned for B-T Corn

Monsanto says it has no plans to redesign a genetically
engineered corn plant that’s been linked to the death of larvae of
butterflies. The Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s Lester Graham reports:

Toxin Eating Geraniums

Canadian scientists are applying for a patent on using geraniums to clean up
toxins. The Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s Lester Graham reports it’s
controversial because the patent would control the use of a naturally
occurring flower:

A Revolution Among Plant Scientists

Scientists are discovering new genetic information about plants is
upsetting the natural order of things. The Great Lakes Radio
Consortium’s Lester Graham reports that they’re also finding a whole new
world of possibilities for using plants for medicines and products:

Scientists Improve Tree Inbreeding

The timber industry specially breeds trees to increase their value.
Trees are worth more when they grow straight, tall and fast. Inbreeding
trees within the same family can increase the frequency of these traits,
but now a new study shows it can also be fatal. The Great Lakes Radio
Consortium’s Todd Witter has more: