Founding Family Scolds Exxon

  • An Exxon-Mobil worker on the job (Photo courtesy of the US Dept of Labor)

The family that founded Exxon-Mobil wants the
oil company to invest more in alternative energy.
Lester Graham reports:


The family that founded Exxon-Mobil wants the
oil company to invest more in alternative energy.
Lester Graham reports:

John D. Rockefeller was one of the first oil barons in the U.S. His family still owns a
good chunk of Exxon-Mobil. But the family thinks the senior managers of Exxon-Mobil
are banking on fossil fuels, such as oil and gas, too much.

During a news conference Neva Rockefeller Goodwin said the majority of the family is
concerned that Shell, Chevron, BP and others are investing in alternative energy, while
Exxon-Mobil is behind the curve.

“In important areas like renewable energy strategies, bringing a variety of technologies to
scale and preparing for policies stemming from global climate risk, Exxon’s competitors
are far out in front.”

The family says a few billion of the 25-billion dollars a year Exxon-Mobil plans to spend
for oil and gas exploration should be spent exploring alternative energy.

For The Environment Report, this is Lester Graham.

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