Getting Gerber Organic Apples

A national baby food company is looking to increase its line of organic products. But first it has to find more organic apples. And, as Bob Allen reports, that might encourage some growers to put more acres into organic


A national baby food company is looking to increase its
line of organic products. But first it has to find more
organic apples. And, as Bob Allen reports, that might
encourage some growers to put more acres into organic

Gerber Baby Foods is trying to meet demand for more organic
product, but growers aren’t likely to go organic unless the
price makes it worth their while.

Jim Koan says Gerber will add stability to the market. He
grows organic apples in Michigan, and he says he can’t
always trust local markets to do what they say they’re
going to do:

“We’re going to want to buy your product and it’s local and
regional and blah blah this and that. And then in a second
breath if somebody else comes along from another state
that’s selling a little bit cheaper all of a sudden you’ve
lost your home for your fruit that you were growing for

Gerber is based in the Midwest. A contract with Gerber
would give growers in the region some assurance they have a
place to sell their fruit. Right now, most organic apples
are shipped from Washington state.

For the Environment Report, I’m Bob Allen.

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