Phthalates Linked to Lower Testosterone Levels

A new study indicates workers who handle some kinds of plastics might be exposed to chemicals that affect reproductive health. Lester Graham reports:


A new study indicates workers who handle some kinds of plastics might be exposed to chemicals that affect reproductive health. Lester Graham reports:

Animal studies and effects on wildlife have made researchers suspect that certain chemicals called phthalates might affect reproductive health in people.

Some types of phthalates are used to make vinyl and plastic soft and pliable.

A new study published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives found a connection between phthalates and lower testosterone levels in men.

The researchers found compared to an unexposed group, men working at a Chinese factory that produced vinyl flooring had significantly elevated levels of phthalates in their bodies. Their testosterone levels were down ranging from moderate to significant decreases in the hormone.

Environmentalists suspect that workers who regularly come into contact with vinyls and plastics would see similar results.

Phthalates have been suspected of causing problems and some cosmetic companies have stopped using the chemicals in their products.

For the Environment Report, this is Lester Graham.

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