Researchers are developing a way to make a sweetener from a by-productof ethanol production. The Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s Jonathan Ahlreports the discovery could benefit the corn-based fuel that scientistssay is better for the environment and creates opportunities for GreatLakes farmers:


Researchers are developing a way to make a sweetener from a by product
of Ethanol production. The Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s Jonathan Ahl
reports the discovery could benefit the corn based fuel that scientists say
is better for the environment and creates opportunities for Great Lakes

USDA Researchers in Peoria, Illinois are developing a way to make xylitol
from the fibrous by product. The sweetener sells for about three dollars a
pound, compared to the five cents a pound ethanol producers currently receive for the cast off material. Illinois State University Agriculture
Economics professor Kerry Tudor says discoveries like this one could mean
the difference in the long term viability of Ethanol.

“The fact that you are taking a particular by product that has
been used in a particular market at a relatively low revenue level and being
able to convert it into something else that is going to
generate an additional amount of revenue. So yes, I think it’s key to
the future success of ethanol in the marketplace.”

The lab is now working with Ethanol companies to convince them to add the
staff and equipment to take on making the new product. For the Great
Lakes Radio Consortium, I’m Jonathan Ahl in Peoria, Illinois.