Super Unpatriotic Vehicles

Recent reports that sales of SUVs, mini-vans, and light trucks have outstripped car sales has Great Lakes Radio Consortium commentator Don Ogden wondering if SUV is short for Super Unpatriotic Vehicle:


This week environmental activists from the Great Lakes region
and beyond will begin converging on the U.S./Canadian border. They’re
preparing for what they call a grassroots struggle against corporate
globalization. And their major protests will occur during a meeting in
Quebec of national leaders from around the western hemisphere, who
are coming together to work on an economic agreement called the
Free Trade Area of the Americas, or FTAA. Great Lakes Radio
Consortium commentator Don Ogden says the demonstrators are
sending a message to the region’s leaders:

High Grading Fails the Test

The recent announcement by the National Forest Service canceling a
cutting plan in New Hampshire’s White Mountains has Great Lakes Radio
Consortium commentator Don Ogden thinking about forestry issues we often
don’t hear about:

Cormorant Control

In April, the U-S Fish and Wildlife Service denied a permit request
from New York State to kill three-hundred cormorants on eastern Lake
Ontario. The proposed management plan as well as previous killings by
individual sportsmen has Great Lakes Radio Consortium commentator Don
Ogden reflecting: