Imported Bottled Water

Environmentalists have been concerned about bottled water. They say it wastes
plastic and uses a lot of fuel to transport it. But one group points toward a certain type of
bottled water that’s more wasteful than others. Lester Graham reports:


Environmentalists have been concerned about bottled water. They say it wastes
plastic and uses a lot of fuel to transport it. But one group points toward a certain type of
bottled water that’s more wasteful than others. Lester Graham reports:

Some bottles of water travel farther than others. Imported bottled water is growing in
popularity. Jon Coifman is with the Natural Resources Defense Council. He says
bottles of water imported from Europe or the south Pacific use a lot of energy in the
containers and shipping:

“It’s a bottle that gets pumped out of the ground, put into a plastic bottle made from
oil, shipped across the ocean on a boat that’s burning oil, trucked to a retailer, using
more oil. All of that for a sip of water you could be getting out of your faucet.”

Coifman and the NRDC acknowledge that bottled water can be convenient. But
they’re trying to persuade people that because of its environmental impact, bottled
water should not be appearing on the dinner table every night, no matter how trendy
the import.

For the Environment Report, this is Lester Graham.

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