More Jobs in Sustainable Business

Thousands of college graduates will try to enter the labor force this
summer. Some job candidates might find it helps to have a background in
environmental sustainability. Chuck Quirmbach reports:


Thousands of college graduates will try to enter the labor force this
summer. Some job candidates might find it helps to have a background in
environmental sustainability. Chuck Quirmbach reports:

Home Depot is one of the companies that says it’s now taking a long
view of the environment and following some sustainable policies and
practices. That switch could be good news for college grads with
experience in energy efficiency, sustainable agriculture and certain
other fields.

Tom Eggert teaches college classes on business and sustainability. He
says construction of environmentally-friendly buildings is another area
seeking people educated about the earth:

“This is not something coming from the industry itself. It’s coming
from the folks that are having these buildings built or deciding to go
in a way that would be aligned with being energy efficient.”

Eggert says it’s nice to see that young people who want to make a
positive difference for the environment seem to be getting more chances
in the corporate world.

For the Environment Report, I’m Chuck Quirmbach.

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