Power Shift for Great Lakes Governorships

The recent elections mean that there’s a power shift in the region. The Great Lakes Radio Consortium’s Lester Graham reports that a group made up of Great Lakes states governors will change dramatically:


The recent elections mean that there’s a power shift in the region. The Great Lakes
Radio Consortium’s Lester Graham reports that a group made up of Great Lakes states
governors will change dramatically:

Of the eight Great Lakes states, five of them have elected new governors. And most of
the new governors are from a different party than their predecessor.

“Actually, this is the largest turnover in one election cycle that the Council’s had in its
twenty-year history. ”

That’s Maggie Grant with the Council of Great Lakes Governors. The council deals with
issues surrounding the Great Lakes and trade in the region.

“We don’t see major policy shift, although, we look forward to the new energy and ideas
of our governors that they bring to the table.”

Coming to the table are a lot more Democrats. Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, and
Pennsylvania all elected Democrats to replace their Republican governors. Grant says
party affiliation isn’t that important to the group – fighting for the Great Lakes region is.

For the Great Lakes Consortium, this is Lester Graham.